Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Been So long, Now I have To Say.

Again, its been a while since I last wrote on my blog. Just been crazy busy.
But to keep you guys  updated, we signed our lease! We are now proud house owners next year, and it really seems like that my residence, Willison Hall is just moving to this street. Because every single person I have talked to about where there living next year is there, which is sweet!
Also on another note, with the WLUSU presidential election, bad news Dan didn't win. Nick did, but I'm sure Nick will make a good president. I still wish though Dan did, he would be great at it, but like I have said in the past, everything happens for a reason. Something better will come on. Just like the house we got this past week!

Today is going to be a interesting night too. Superbowl, Steelers vs. Packers.
I myself, is rooting for the Packers, but we will see what happens. It's going to be nice to watch the game too, because House Council is hosting a Super Bowl Party with free food and prizes, so it should be fun. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Fun Times

It's almost been two days since my last blog so lots has happened!
I'll start with yesterday...
It was same stuff different day, still learning how to play the guitar, slowly but shirly, only cause I have been so busy with school and stuff. One event that's going on at Laurier is our WLUSU election for President. And one of the candidates is Dan (one of our dons in my res). He is such a nice guy and would be a great president. So if you go to Laurier and reading this vote for him tomorrow at 8am!! It's so important. But you got technically today (feb 3rd) to the 4th.
While this election is going on, of course we have lots of work still, midterms, essays the whole thang. So last night, I was studying all day for my economics midterm I have this Friday. I'm still dreading it, its going to be interesting. But after studying for this midterm I had to write this essay for this morning for Political Science... so I thought. There were rumors going around saying that it could be a snow day today here at Laurier. At the time last night, I didn't think there would be so I didn't want to take a chance not writing and find out it was due when I didn't have it done. Well I stay til 4am writing this essay and started at 11pm mind you. I wake up at 9am sharp to hand my beautiful essay in. IT WAS A SNOW DAY! Normally being a student you would be happy it's a snow day. When your in University, sometimes you dread it. I did. But then I came to realize this could be good because I can go over it again and make it better. And it was nice to relax all day and chill with the guys. There also making me better at COD now, that's a first for me.
Also today me n the guys checked out a house today near our school and we liked it a lot, so we told the landlord that we'll take it. Landlord calls us later, we got the house! So tomorrow at 12pm us 5 guys will be proud house owners next year for school.
Lastly every Wednesday night we have our House Council meetings. Today was a good one, we got to reveal our secret friends and it was so nice. Because everyone got to find out what everyone did and just be appreciated for what we have in our Council and how much we love each other and nothing can stop us. Were one great MoosePack. The whole secret friend thing was a great idea, an I have to give a shout out to Alysha, she is our head House Council lady. She is amazing. She does so much for us and our Res. And I really think everyone loved the Secret friend game, I think my secret friend too, he said it was great and appreciated so that made me feel good. But he deserves it too. He is such a great guy and glad to have him as my friend. Here is a picture of some of the House Council... go MoosePack!

Annnd i lied one thing I just wanted to point out was my last blog I added photos of my two friends and my friend her name is also Danielle helped me out with those pictures. With her great ideas and get shots on half the photos too. Love you Danielle! 
And for the ones who don't know who Danielle is she is the one who is Taylor Swift.. this was Halloween by the way. haha

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Live Life To The Fullest

Tonight was Open Mic night here at Wilf's Restaurant on campus at Wilfrid Laurier. Almost every week my 2 friends play there, one them you knowing, Danielle, and our friend Mark. They consider themselves a band, and I think their a great one. One song I love of theirs is Washing Machine. It's just really unique and just great. Anyways while I was watching them on stage, I just got this sudden thought, have I lived my life to the fullest? I know, random thought. But watching them play and doing what they love the most, have I been doing the same? I still don't know if I know the answer or not.
What I'm gonna do now is, everyday I'm gonna do what I love the most, which is; one my photography and two keep learning the guitar.
Which by the way I got more photos to show! My two friends needed shots for their future album coming soon and asked me to take the photos, so I can show some pictures and the rest you can look on my fan page, Jouwsma Photography on facebook.!/pages/Jouwsma-Photography/275757598697

Having friendships is probably one of the most important things you can have in life. Your friends are there for you when in your lows, when in your highs, there for every memorable moment or achievement in your life. I'm so happy with all the friends I have in my life here at school and back at home. But I just wanted to take this time and remember a friend I lost about 2 1/2 years ago. Going into grade 12 Stratford lost a soul. Ryan Albrecht. He was loved by so many of us and it was heartbreaking when we all heard the news of what happened to him. Til this day we all miss him.
"It's kinda hard with you not around
Know you're in heaven smilin' down
Watchin' us while we pray for you
Everyday we pray for you
Till the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need to proceed
Strength I need to believe"

RIP Ryan. See you soon. 

The next time your doing something in your daily life, just live your life as you were not living tomorrow. Because you never know what can happen or what you can loose. So live life to the fullest.